Innovative and customised solutions

In many areas, we’ve got good at finding ways in which IT can help us.  Extensive use of IT, however, means  large quantities of data that needs to be stored and processed.

The data centres’ multiple, large-scale servers are sent into rotation between the various centres in connection with replacements and new buildings. Here, IMMO’s customised solutions, which are able to assist in the transportation of these servers quickly, effectively and, in many cases also ergonomically, are of the highest standard.

We handle development and manufacturing, often in dialogue with our customers to find the correct solution and as private label/OEM machinery with the company’s own logos or  designs tailored to the individual customer.

Our many years of experience in the optimisation of workplaces’ ‘this is how we’ve always done things’ culture gives us an advantage over our competitors. Being an agile business is in our DNA, in that we prioritise finding the correct solution over additional sales of machinery that might not necessarily be the right fit. We will continue with this approach until the correct solution has been found, in collaboration with the  customer. Our machines are designed to be able to handle servers and other expensive yet sensitive equipment back and forth between the equipment’s recipients to its location in the data centres.

Our approach is ‘Keep it simple’

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